
HOME-IT develop software applications on request.
HOME-IT also provide a service of testing software for programmers or software providers.

If you would like us to develop or test applications for you, then please contact us.
We test applications thoroughly across a wide variety of platforms and produce reports on how packages can be improved for everyday users. We also proofread material and assist in setting up easy to use applications to minimise the stress levels to users.
We can also assist in production of help files or simply proofreading them. We enjoy doing the menial tasks that you do not want to do.

Free Software
If you want a simple application to be written, then send us the suggestion.
If there is enough demand, or if it is relatively easy to write, we will send you a free copy of the software.

Software we develop belongs to us. If you want to retain rights to software you want us to develop, then contact us beforehand so that a confidentiality agreement can be drawn up.