Maritime Study Software
for professional seafarers

IALA Buoyage System

I.A.L.A. = International Association of Lighthouse Authorities

This program is designed to improve your knowledge of the IALA Buoyage system.

I.A.L.A. Opening Page

For the less experienced there are learning units to work through and for those wishing to refresh their knowledge a series of multiple choice quizzes. These are backed up by quick reference pages which may be accessed during the quizzes.

The following Image demonstrates the look and feel of the program. The tabs on the top of the image should give you an idea of what is covered in this package.

I.A.L.A. Main Page

"I.A.L.A. Buoyage System" is distributed worldwide by Videotel. If you require further information then please Contact Videotel and use No. 803 as a product reference.

To view the information regarding "I.A.L.A. Buoyage System" as listed on Videotel website simply click here

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